Why are your fingerprints recorded when you arrive in Europe ?

You are migrant and you have just arrived in Europe? It is likely that on your first contact with the administration, your fingerprints will be recorded. Why? Simply because of the Dublin Regulation. This agreement between European countries stipulates that it is the first European country in which a person arrives who has to examine his(her) application for asylum.

Concretely, it means that if you arrive in Europe in Italy and your imprints are recorded there, if you continue your journey towards France because this is where you wish to request for the asylum, on your first contact with the French administration, your fingerprints will be recorded and compared with those recorded in other European countries (Eurodac file). It is then highly probable that no asylum request will be filed for you in France, instead, you will be expelled to Italy, possibly after waiting quite a time in a temporary hosting center, until Italy accepts to take you. In this case, according to Dublin Regulation, Italy is now responsible for examining your asylum request…

Pays appliquant le règlement de Dublin
Pays appliquant le règlement de Dublin. Source: wikipedia

Update : 13 sept 2017

Détails des effets du règlement Dublin III sur votre demande d’asile
Dublin regulation detailed consequences on your asylum request